Copenhagen Crash Course: Denmark by the Numbers

Want to learn more about Denmark? Here’s Denmark By The Numbers! For more about the sights and cities of Denmark, check out the rest of my Copenhagen Crash Course series.


Size: Slightly less than twice the size of Massachusetts1. It’s strange to think that the foreign country I’m living in isn’t so much bigger than the state I live in at home!

Population of Denmark: 5,556,4522By comparison, New York City had a population of 8,337,000 in 2012.

Population of Copenhagen: 1,206,0003. I feel lucky to be a part of that 1.2 million for the semester!

Kilometers traveled by bicycle every day in Copenhagen: 1.27 million4. I contribute 2km by biking to the Metro stop and back each day.

Length of Strøget, the longest pedestrian street in the world: 3.2 kilometers5. Located close to DIS, Strøget is an awesome place to walk around, enjoy pastries, and do a little shopping, all without cars in the way!

Number of nobel laureates from Denmark: 146Denmark has had one Peace Prize winner, and 5 in physiology or medicine! For a country with such a small population, 14 winners is a huge number.

Use of candles per person per year: 2346 grams7Candles make up a huge part of decor – they can lead to a hyggelig atmosphere!

Number of Danish films that have sold more than one million tickets: 38In comparison, The Hunger Games sold over 50 million tickets.

Days with precipitation each year: 1719. It rains every second day in Denmark. Good thing the Danes know how to keep a good attitude about it!

Number of letters in the Danish alphabet: 2910In addition to the 26 letters we use in English, the Danish alphabet includes the letters ø, å, and æ.